Tuesday 10 July 2018

Reasoning: Coding/Decoding

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: 
In a certain code,
′Field Panel joint Guide′  is written as      ′K28@    U10%     Q18#      T18©′
′Since Valid Worst Ideal′ is written as       ′D36#    H28©     E24%     R10@′
′Mount Local Trend Three′ is written as   ′N42#    G36©     O06@     G12%′
′Mixed loose Final Sport′ is written as      ′U28@   O30©     N48%     H30#′
1.      What will be the code for ‘Spend Noise’?
A) H10%   N18©
B) H10%   M18@
C) H12#   M18©
D) H10%   M18©
E) None of these
2.      What will be the code for ‘Prize  Level  Ahead’?
A) Z10%   K20©    M44@
B) Z10%   K18©    O44#
C) Z10%   K18©    O44@
D) Z10#   J18©    O44@
E) None of these
3.      What will be the code for ‘Rural   Prove’?
A) K30©   I34@
B) J30©   I36@
C) K28©   J36@
D) K30©   I36@
E) None of these
4.      What could ‘Y42%   W28%’ stand for?
A) Noise Solid
B) Dance Bound
C) Close Broad
D) Bound Arise
E) None of these
5.      What will be the code for ‘Doubt  Craft’?
A) W42#    Y02#
B) Z42#    X02#
C) W44#    Y02#
D) W42#    X02#
E) None of these
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code language
“review paper style manage” is written as ‘def fa cde te’
“paper of known country” is written as ‘gi te ku ad’
“Known review view reference” is written as ‘cde bp ad bgs’
“View like manage layout” is written as ‘kx def dr bp’
6.      If ‘style known page’ is coded as ‘ad fa zy’ in the given code language, then what will ‘review risk manage’ be coded as?
A) ad dr def
B) def cde dr
C) zy cde ad
D) fa zy def
E) None of these
7.      What is the code for ‘view of post’ in the given code language?
A) gi ku cde
B) bp cde gi
C) ku bp gi
D) dr def fa
E) None of these
8.      Which of the following may represents the code ‘paper improve’ in the given code language?
A) le dr
B) cs def
C) cs te
D) def nq
E) dr cs
9.      In the given code language, what does the code ‘kx’ stands for?
A) paper
B) known
C) either ‘layout’ or ‘like’
D) either ‘manage’ or developed
E) review
10.  What is the code for ‘reference’ in the given code language?
A) bp
B) dr
C) bgs
D) cde
E) None of these

Sunday 8 July 2018

Reasoning: Direction Sense

1.      Suman walks 10km towards the South. Turning to the left, she walks 20km and then moves to her right. After moving a distance of 20km, she turns to the right and walks 20km. Finally, she turns to the right and moves a distance of 10km. How far and in which direction is she from the starting point?
A) 10km North
B) 20km South
C) 20km North
D) 10km South
E) None of these
2.      Manish walked 6km facing towards East, then he took a right turn and walked a distance of 9km. he then took a left turn and walked a distance of 6km. How far is he from the starting point?
A) 15 km
B) 21km
C) 18km
D) 15km
E) None of these
3.      Rohit walked 30 metres towards South, took a left turn and walked 50 metres, again he took a left and walked 30 metres. How far is he and in which direction from the starting point?
A) 80m south
B) 50m west
C) 130m east
D) 50m east
E) None of these
4.      Sharma walked 30 metres towards South, took a left turn and walked 15 metres. He then took a right turn and walked 20 metres. He again took a right turn and walked 15 metres. How far is he from the starting point?
A) 95 metres
B) 50 metres
C) 70 metres
D) Cannot be determined
E) None of these
5.      Ruhi is facing South. She turn right and walk 20 m. Then she turn right again and walk 10 m. Then she turn left and walk 10 m and then turning right and walk 20 m. Then she turn right again and walk 60 m. She is in which direction from her starting point?
A) North
B) North-west
C) East
D) North-east
E) None of these
Directions (6-7): A is 20 m away from C in east direction.B is standing in south of A and is facing south direction and distance between A and B is 30m. Now to the right of B covering 32 m towards west,D is standing.D is eating burger standing on its position and facing north. After eating burger D starts moving towards south east direction covering 13 m and reaches to the position of E.
6.      What is the distance between D and C and C is in which direction with respect to D?
A) 31.2m, north-east
B) 29.4m, north-west
C) 32.3m, north-east
D) 40.8m, north-west
E) Cannot be determined
7.      In which direction C is with respect to B?
A) South – West
B) North – East
C) South
D) North – West
E) None of these
Direction (8-10): Read the given information carefully and answer below Question.-
There are 7 family members P, Q, R, S, T, U and V standing in ground in which there are 2 married couples.
P is sister of Q who is maternal grandson of T. Maternal grandfather of Q is standing 3m to the right of Q who is facing north.
The father of S has 2 maternal grandchildren. V is facing north. V is standing 4m to the south of maternal grandson of U. S is 2m to the right of V.
P is 1m south of S and 1m west of U. R is sister-in-law of V and standing 9m to the north of her mother. V is father of P. U is a Female.
8.      Maternal grand daughter is standing in which direction w.r.t his husband?
A) south-east
B) south
C) north-west
D) south-west
E) None of these
9.      What is direction and distance and relationship of S with respect to P?
A) 1m north, Mother
B) 1m south, Sister
C) 1m north, Mather – in law
D) 1m north, Daughter
E) None of these.
10.  What is a minimum distance between V and His father – in – Law?
A) 3m
B) 2m
C) 4m
D) 6m
E) None of these

Reasoning: Puzzles and Arrangements for RRB Prelims

Eight persons – A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are sitting around a circle not in same order. Three of them are facing towards the centre of circle while others are facing outside.
D is sitting third to right of A. There are 2 persons between D and Q. C and P are immediate neighbors and both are facing opposite direction. C and P both are not immediate neighbors of Q. S is sitting third to right of C. There is one person sitting between S and R. Q and D are facing opposite directions (like if Q is facing inside, then D is facing outside and vice versa). B is sitting immediate left of D. S sits second to right of R. D and S faces same direction. D and C faces opposite direction.
1.      Who is sitting second to left of Q?
A) A                        B) D                C) S                 D) B                E) P
2.      Who is sitting opposite S?
A) C                        B) P                 C) D                D) A                E) Q
3.      Who is sitting third to right of P?
A) Q                        B) D                C) R                D) B                E) A
4.      Which of the following persons faces towards the centre?
A) B, D, S               B) A, D, P       C) A, C, Q      D) C, Q, S       E) None of these
5.      Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
A) Q – C                 B) B – Q         C) P – S           D) A – B         E) D – R
Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 A, B, C, D, and E are seated and all of them are facing South. In row-2 P, Q, R, S, and T are seated and all of them are facing North. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
B is sitting at second position from right end of row. The person who is sitting second to left of Q is facing B. T is immediate neighbor of P. Either of T or P is sitting at one of the extreme ends of line. D is sitting opposite S. E is sitting second to the right of D. The person who is facing P is sitting second to right of A. R faces one who is sitting second to left of D.
6.      Which of the following is true as per the above arrangement?
A) Q is one place away from P
B) E is sitting second to left of D
C) Two persons are sitting between B and C
D) B is facing S
E) C is not sitting at an extreme end.
7.      Who is facing C?
A) Q
            B) R                C) T                 D) P                 E) S
8.      How many persons are sitting between P and Q?
A) None
      B) Three          C) One            D) Two            E) cannot be determined
9.      Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
A) A – S
      B) D – Q         C) E – P          D) B – Q         E) C – Q
10.  Which of the following pairs is sitting at extreme end of lines?
A) C, P
        B) C, T            C) R, P           D) E, A           E) None of these

Thursday 5 July 2018

Reasoning: Coding/Decoding (New Pattern)

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′drone petrol crush print′ is written as         ′r2m#        r1h/         r1m+          e2l$′
′josh dance heft diesel′ is written as             ′i3v$          o1h/         a2x#           e1u+′
′drive mesh ideal font′ is written as              ′r2e#         e1h/         d3z$           o1m+′
′dredge preach export hell′ is written as      ′r2t#          r2x/         x2i+            e1o$′
1.      What is the code for ‘leash’?
A) e3s/
B) e2a/
C) e2h/
D) 23a/
E) Cannot be determined
2.      ′o2z$′ can be the code of which of the following word?
A) font
B) foist
C) focal
D) fool
E) Cannot be determined
3.      What is the code for ‘constant boggle’?
A) o2n# o2o+
B) o3s+ o2o#
C) o3n# 03n+
D) o2m+ o2o#
E) Cannot be determined
4.      What is the code for ‘provoke corset’?
A) r2k# o2v+
B) o2v+ r3p#
C) r2k# o2e+
D) o3v# r2k+
E) Cannot be determined
5.      What is the code for ‘downcast’?
A) d2s+
B) o2h+
C) o3s+
D) d3s+
E) Cannot be determined

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions: 
In a certain code,
‘Rust Fish Joint Farm’ is written as             ‘9©S     5$S      3%L      3@G ’,
‘Nurse Pirate Label Hint’ is written as       ‘6%K     4@S      8@D     7©D’,
‘Recall Dump Light House’ is written as    ‘4$D    2©O      6@S     9#K’, and
‘Loyal Best Pale Letter’ is written as          ‘1#S      6#Q      6$K      8%D’.
6.      Which is the code for ‘Honey Bunny’?
A) 3$S 2%X
B) 4$X 1©X
C) 1@X 2©D
D) 4#E 4%B
E) Cannot be determined
7.      What is the code for ‘Number’?
A) 7©Q
B) 8#S
C) 7@G
D) 4%P
E) Cannot be determined
8.      What is the code of ‘News Live’?
A) 5@D 7#R
B) 6@D 6#D
C) 6@D 7#R
D) 2@D 3#R
E) Cannot be determined
9.      What is the code of ‘Rampant’?
A) 4%S
B) 9©D
C) 9#S
D) 9%S
E) Cannot be determined
10.  Which is the code for ‘valid notes’?
A) 8#C 7$R
B) 11%C 7$R
C) 10%C 7©R
D) 11@C 12$R
E) Cannot be determined