Sunday 11 February 2018

Reasoning: Syllogism Set 2

  1. Statements: Some fonts are paras. Some fonts are styles. All styles are boards. No board is file.
    I. No font is file.
    II. Some boards are paras
    A) only I follows
    B) only II follows
    C) either I or II follows
    D) neither I nor II follow
    E) both I and II follow
  2. Statements: All fonts are para. Some para are style. Some styles are boards. All boards are files.
    I. Some para being board is a possibility.
    II. Some styles are files.
    A) only I follows
    B) only II follows
    C) either I or II follows
    D) neither I nor II follow
    E) both I and II follow

  3. Statements: All fonts are styles. All styles are paras. Some paras are boards. Some boards are files.
    I. Some paras are fonts.
    II. Some files are paras
    A) only I follows
    B) only II follows
    C) either I or II follows
    D) neither I nor II follow
    E) both I and II follow

  4. Statements: Some fonts are paras, Some paras are boards. Some boards are styles. Some styles are files.
    I. Some files are fonts.
    II. No file is a font.
    A) only I follows
    B) only II follows
    C) either I or II follows
    D) neither I nor II follow
    E) both I and II follow

  5. Statements: All fonts are styles. No style is para. Some paras are boards. Some files are styles.
    I. All paras being files is a possibility.
    II. All files being board is a possibility.
    A) only I follows
    B) only II follows
    C) either I or II follows
    D) neither I nor II follow
    E) both I and II follow

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