Friday 28 September 2018

Reasoning: Coding Decoding

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
Media Letter  Reply Profile is written as     18e%        14r$          20y@        15a@
Simple Camp Views Much is written as     21e$          24s@       5p#             15h#
Improve Tool Worker Draft is written as      6t@         25r$         11e%            22l# 
Output Hundred List Greater is written as   10d%       17t$         9r%              14t#
1.     What is the code for ‘Post Adverts’?
A) 18t@    3s%
B) 18t@    3s$
C) 18t#    3s%
D) 16t#    3s$
E) Cannot be determined
2.     What is the code for ‘Green Signal’?
A) 21l@   9n@
B) 21l$   8n#
C) 22l#   9n@
D) 21l$   9n@
E) Cannot be determined
3.     What is the code for ‘Delete Image’?
A) 6e#    9e$
B) 6e$    11e@
C) 6e@    11e#
D) 8e@    11e$
E) Cannot be determined
4.     What is the code for ‘Share Content’?
A) 7t%   21e@
B) 3t%   21e%
C) 5t%   21e#
D) 5t%   21e@
E) Cannot be determined
5.     What is the code for ‘Current Quiz’?
A) 7t%   19z#
B) 5t%   19z#
C) 5t%   19z#
D) 5t%   20z#
E) Cannot be determined

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