Wednesday 6 May 2020

Wrong Number Series

Wrong Number Series
1.    13, 77, 202, 418, 763, 1273
A.763         B.77            C.202         D.None

2.    53760, 6720, 960, 160, 80, 8
A.160         B.8              C.960         D.80

3.    80, 120, 300, 1040, 4725, 25987.5
A.300         B.80            C.120         D.1040

4.    325, 362, 401, 442, 484, 530
A.325         B.484          C.401         D.None

5.    19, 20, 45, 129, 520, 2605
A.45            B.19            C.20            D.None

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Time and Work

1.    Person A earns Rs. 250 in 16 days and person B earns Rs.280 in 20 days. what is the ratio of their earnings?
A. 25 : 112           B. 12 : 112           C. 125 : 112                  D. 125 : 110
2.    84 women can do a piece of work in 36 days. How many women are required to complete the same work in 42 days?
A.72                     B.36                     C.44                               D.67
3.    Hasini and her daughter received Rs. 800 as wages for 5 days work. Hasini’s work was three times more efficiency has her daughter. Then what is the daily wage of her daughter?
A.35                     B.40                     C.45                               D.50
4.    There are n number of workers can finish a project work in 15 days. If there are 3 workers could be finished in 5 days less. the original number of workers are:  
A.4                       B.5                       C.6                                 D.7
5.    Person A and Person B can complete a piece of work in 30days and 20 days respectively. Then contracted to complete the work for Rs. 60,000.The share of Person A in the contracted money will be?
A.24000               B.25000               C.26000                         D.27000

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Mixed Quantitative Aptitude Questions

1.     A girl decided to read a book of 1000 pages in 20 days, reading 5 hrs/day. How many days will she take to read a book of 1500 days with a rate of 2 hrs/day?
A.50                B.75                C.65               D.70

2.     27.92% of 425.02-24.03% of 299.97= (?)
A.27                B.77                C.47               D.25

3.     If 5 years before the ratio of ages of daughter and father is 3 : 15. After 5 years from now the ratio will become 8: 20. Then Find out the age of the father?
A.25                B.30                C.35               D.40

4.     Pooja scored 60 % of marks in Hindi, 70% marks in Science and ” M” marks in Maths. If Maximum marks of each subject is 150 and he scored 70% marks. Then find the marks he scored in Maths?
A.110             B.120              C.130             D.140

5.     From a group of 6 soldiers and 4 police a committee of 5 people is formed for emergency rescue operation. The committee is to be formed having at least 3 soldiers. Find the number of possible ways?
A.160             B.170              C.186             D.190

Monday 21 October 2019

IBPS Clerk Prelims

1.     6, 3, 3, 6, 24, ?
A. 180                    B. 175                  C. 166                  D. 192
2.     3, 8, 18, 38, 78, ?
A. 166                    B. 178                  C. 158                  D. 190
3.     5, 8, 12, 18, 27, ?
A. 54                      B. 60                    C. 40                    D. 48
4.     142, 133, 115, 88, ?
A. 52                      B. 62                    C. 48                    D. 64
5.     2, 10, 30, 68, 130, ?
A. 200                    B. 222                  C. 195                  D. 220

IBPS Clerk Prelims

1.     A card is drawn at random from a well-shuffled pack of 52 cards. What is the probability of getting a two of hearts or a two diamonds?
A. 2/17                        B. 3/14                       C. 4/13                      D. 5/18
2.     A sum was put at simple interest at a certain rate for 3 years. Had it been put at 1% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 5100 more. The sum is:
A. 15000                     B. 17000                    C. 13000                    D. 19000
3.     A father’s age is three times the sum of the ages of his two children, but 20 years hence his age will be equal to the sum of their ages. Then, the father’s age is:
A. 25                            B. 30                           C. 15                          D. 20
4.     Ram travels a certain distance at 3 km/h and reaches 15 minutes late. If he travels at 4 km/h, he reaches 15 minutes earlier. The distance he has to travel is:
A. 8                              B. 7                             C. 6                             D. 4
5.     A pipe can fill a cistern in 6 hrs. Due to a leak in its bottom, it is filled in 7 hrs. When the cistern is full, in how much time will it be emptied by the leak?
A. 50                            B. 48                           C. 46                          D. 42