Wednesday 27 November 2019

Time and Work

1.    Person A earns Rs. 250 in 16 days and person B earns Rs.280 in 20 days. what is the ratio of their earnings?
A. 25 : 112           B. 12 : 112           C. 125 : 112                  D. 125 : 110
2.    84 women can do a piece of work in 36 days. How many women are required to complete the same work in 42 days?
A.72                     B.36                     C.44                               D.67
3.    Hasini and her daughter received Rs. 800 as wages for 5 days work. Hasini’s work was three times more efficiency has her daughter. Then what is the daily wage of her daughter?
A.35                     B.40                     C.45                               D.50
4.    There are n number of workers can finish a project work in 15 days. If there are 3 workers could be finished in 5 days less. the original number of workers are:  
A.4                       B.5                       C.6                                 D.7
5.    Person A and Person B can complete a piece of work in 30days and 20 days respectively. Then contracted to complete the work for Rs. 60,000.The share of Person A in the contracted money will be?
A.24000               B.25000               C.26000                         D.27000


  1. 1. Option c
    Required ratio = 250/16 : 280/ 20

  2. 2. Option A
    84 women – 36 days
    1 women– 84 * 36 days
    Number of women required = 84 * 36/42 = 72 women

  3. 3. Option B
    Hasini: daughter = 3:1
    daughter share = ¼ * 800 = Rs.200
    So daily wage = 200/ 5 = Rs.40

  4. 4. Option C
    n*15 = ( n+3) * 10

  5. 5. Option A
    Total amount = Rs.60,000
    Person A’s 1 day work = 1/30
    Person B’s 1 day work =1/20
    Ratio = 1/30 : 1/20 = 2:3
    Sum of the ratio = 2+3 = 5
    Person A’ s share = 2/5 * 60,000 = Rs.24,000
