Monday 17 December 2018

Reasoning: Coding / Decoding (New Pattern)

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘mixed chamber incidence vacuum’ is written as       ’88$B     12@C      36#E     52%A’,
‘jammer corporate frozen weird’ is written as             ’24©B    40@B     92%A    12#E ’,
‘comedian magnitude webcam jumbled’  as               ‘40%C    12©D     92$B     52#E ’, and
‘maximum revealed union editor’ is written as            ‘72%D     52$C     20@B    84©A ’.
1.     What is the code for ‘cardamom’?
A) 16#D
B) 12%E
C) 12$D
D) 14$D
E) Cannot be determined

2.     What is the code for ‘pager style’?
A) 64@A 76#A
B) 64#A 76@A
C) 60@C 76#B
D) 64$A 76#A
E) Cannot be determined

3.     What is the code for ‘September December’?
A) 16@E 76@D
B) 72@E 16@D
C) 76@E 16@D
D) 76@E 16#D
E) Cannot be determined

4.     What is code for ‘fusion clown’?
A) 12©B 24©A
B) 24©B 12©A
C) 24©D 12@A
D) 24©C 12©A
E) Cannot be determined

5.     What is the code for ‘hundred folder’?
A) 32%D 24#B
B) 32©C 24@B
C) 32%D 24#B
D) 32%C 24@B
E) Cannot be determined

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Profit and Loss

1.     If Satvik sells an article at 4/5th of its selling price and secures a profit of 20%, what will be the profit or loss percentage if he sells it at the actual selling price?
A) 45%

B) 60%
C) 50%
D) 56%
E) None

2.     A product costs a company Rs 60 to manufacture, and it sold the product to a dealer for Rs 70, who in turn sold it to a shopkeeper for Rs 85, who sold to a customer for Rs 102. What is the percentage of profit for the company and who made the highest profit on selling the product?
A) 20 1/3%, Company

B) 16 2/3%, Dealer
C) 20 1/3% ,Dealer
D) 16 2/3%, Shopkeeper
E) None

3.     Manasa buys a certain number of toys at 12 per Rs 9 and the same number at 18 per Rs 9. If she sells them at 18 per Rs15 does she gain or lose and by what percentage?
A) 33 1/3 % loss
B) 12% gain
C) 33 1/3 % gain
D) 12% loss
E) None

4.     A shopkeeper sells Marker at the rate of Rs.35 each and earns a commission of 10%. He also sells Gel pen at the rate of Rs. 65 each and earns a commission of 20%. How much amount (in rupees) of commission will he earn in 2 weeks, if he sells 12 markers and 8 Gel pens a day?
A) 2100
B) 1850
C) 2044
D) 2680
E) None

5.     A discount of 20% is given on the marked price of an article. The shopkeeper charges sales tax of 10% on the discounted price. If the selling price be Rs 1848, what is the marked price (in rupees) of the article?
A) 2500
B) 3200
C) 3600
D) 2100
E) None

Thursday 1 November 2018

Compound Interest

Satvik borrows Rs. 45000 from a bank at 10% compound interest. He repays it in three annual installments that are in arithmetic progression. He ends up paying 54000 totally. How much did he pay in year 1?
A.Rs. 16,500
B.Rs. 19,500
C.Rs. 21,000
D.Rs. 18,000

Saturday 29 September 2018

Quantitative Aptitude : Time and Work

4 Man and 3 women finish a job in 6 days, and 5 men and 7 women can do the same job in 4 days. How long will 1 man and 1 women take to do the work ?

Friday 28 September 2018

Reasoning: Coding Decoding

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
Media Letter  Reply Profile is written as     18e%        14r$          20y@        15a@
Simple Camp Views Much is written as     21e$          24s@       5p#             15h#
Improve Tool Worker Draft is written as      6t@         25r$         11e%            22l# 
Output Hundred List Greater is written as   10d%       17t$         9r%              14t#
1.     What is the code for ‘Post Adverts’?
A) 18t@    3s%
B) 18t@    3s$
C) 18t#    3s%
D) 16t#    3s$
E) Cannot be determined
2.     What is the code for ‘Green Signal’?
A) 21l@   9n@
B) 21l$   8n#
C) 22l#   9n@
D) 21l$   9n@
E) Cannot be determined
3.     What is the code for ‘Delete Image’?
A) 6e#    9e$
B) 6e$    11e@
C) 6e@    11e#
D) 8e@    11e$
E) Cannot be determined
4.     What is the code for ‘Share Content’?
A) 7t%   21e@
B) 3t%   21e%
C) 5t%   21e#
D) 5t%   21e@
E) Cannot be determined
5.     What is the code for ‘Current Quiz’?
A) 7t%   19z#
B) 5t%   19z#
C) 5t%   19z#
D) 5t%   20z#
E) Cannot be determined

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Quantitative Aptitude : Profit and Loss

The cost of 18 trousers and 15 shirts is 19050 .what is the cost of 30 trousers and 25 shirts

Quantitative Aptitude : Boat and Streams

A man swims for 3 hours downstream and then 3 hours upstream. In his whole process he covers a total distance of 18 km. If the speed of the stream is 2 kmph, for what more time will he have to swim upstream to reach the starting point?

Monday 24 September 2018

Quantitative Aptitude : Profit and Loss

The cost price of two dozen bananas is Rs. 32 After selling 18 bananas at the rate Rs. 12 per dozen, the shopkeeper reduced to rate as Rs. 4 per dozen. The per cent loss is 

A) 25.2%

  B) 32.4%

C) 36.5%

  D) 37.5 %

Sunday 16 September 2018

Question of the day

What per cent of selling price would be 34% of cost price if gross profit is 26% of the selling price ?

B.           74.00
C. 25.16

Friday 7 September 2018

Question of the day

A shopkeeper mixes two varieties of rice one costing Rs 18 per kg and the other Rs 24 per kg in the ratio 3:1 and sold the mixture at Rs 26 per kg. What would be the profit obtained by the shopkeeper on selling 30 kg of the mixture.

Question of the day

If Satvik sells an article at 4/5th of its selling price and secures a loss of 8%, what will be the profit or loss percentage if he sells it at the actual selling price?

Question of the day

If  Satvik  sells an article at 4/5th of its selling price and secures a profit of 20%, what will be the profit or loss percentage if he sells it at the actual selling price?
A) 45%

B) 60%
C) 50%
D) 56%
E) None 

Question of the day

Satvik bought some kiwi fruits at a price of 18 kiwi fruits for Rs. 450 and an equal number at a price of 12 kiwi fruits for Rs. 360. He then sold all of these at a price of 10 kiwi fruits for Rs. 300 and earned Rs. 450. Find the the total number of fruits?

Thursday 30 August 2018

Time and work

A and B can finish a work together in 12 days, and B and C together in 16 days. If A alone works for 5 days and then B alone continues for 7 days, then remaining work is done by C in 13 days. In how many days can C alone finish the complete work?