Monday 22 May 2017

Mixed Quantitative Aptitude Questions

1. Anil and Ruhi started a business by investing Rs 2000 and Rs 2800 respectively. After 8 months, Anil added Rs 600 and Ruhi added Rs 400. At the same time Teena joined them with Rs 4200. Find the share of Teena if they get a profit of Rs 34,300 after a year. 
A) Rs 7490
B) Rs 7350
C) Rs 8250
D) Rs 8530
E) None of these

2. A sum of Rs 7000 is deposited in two schemes. One part is deposited in Scheme A which offers 8% rate of interest. Remaining part is invested in Scheme B which offers 10% rate of interest compounded annually. If interest obtained in scheme A after 4 years is Rs 226 more than the interest obtained in scheme B after 2 years, find the part deposited in scheme B.
A) Rs 3200
B) Rs 4500
C) Rs 3800
D) Rs 3500
E) Rs 2800

3. There are 140 tickets (numbered 1 to 140) in a bowl. Find the probability of choosing a ticket which bears multiple of either 3 or 7. 
A) 3/5
B) 2/9
C) 1/8
D) 3/7
E) None of these                  9985304310


  1. 1. B) Rs 7350
    Share of Anil : Share of Ruhi : Share of Teena is
    2000×8 + 2600×4 : 2800×8 + 3200×4 : 4200×4
    33 : 44 : 21
    so share of Teena = 21/(33+44+21) × 34300 = Rs 7350

  2. 2. C) Rs 3800
    (7000-x)*8*4/100 = x [ (1 + 10/100)2 – 1] + 226
    70*8*4 – 32x/100 = 21x/100 + 226
    2240 – 226 = 53x/100
    2014 = 53x/100
    So, x = Rs 3800

  3. 3. D) 3/7
    Number of multiples of 3 in 140 = 140/3 = 46
    Number of multiples of 7 in 140 = 140/7 = 20
    Number of multiples of 3×7= 21 in 140 = 140/21 = 6
    So required probability = (46+20 – 6)/140 = 60/140 = 3/7
