Monday 22 May 2017

Quantitative Aptitude Questions

1. The market price of an item is 20% more than its cost price. If after selling the item, the profit percent obtained is 10%, find the discount given. 
A) Rs 6
B) Rs 10
C) Rs 19
D) Rs 14
E) None of these

2. A, B and C divide Rs 3900 among them in the ratio 4 : 4 : 5 respectively. Now if each of them got Rs 300 more, what will be the respective new ratio of dividing the total money among them? 
A) 5 : 8 : 7
B) 5 : 5 : 6
C) 6 : 7 : 8
D) 6 : 5 : 7
E) 7 : 9 : 8


  1. 1. B) Rs 10
    Use MP = (100+p%)/(100-d%) * CP
    120/100 * CP = (100+10)/(100-d%) * CP
    Solve, d% is 25/3%
    Let CP = Rs 100, so MP = Rs 120, and SP = Rs 110
    So when discount % = (120-110)/120 * 100 = 25/3%, discount = Rs 10

  2. 2. B) 5 : 5 : 6
    A got = [4/(4+4+5)] * 3900 = 1200, B got = [4/(4+4+5)] * 3900 = 1200, C got = [5/(4+4+5)] * 3900 = 1500
    When 300 is added to their shares, A gets=1200+300 = 1500, B = 1500, C =1800
    So new ratio is 1500 : 1500 : 1800

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