Monday 22 May 2017

Mixed Quantitative Aptitude Questions             9985304310

1. A 48 litres solution contains liquids water and milk in the ratio 3 : 5. How much amount of milk is to be added so that amount of milk is 70% of the new solution? 
A) 26 l
B) 20 l
C) 12 l
D) 18 l
E) 15 l

2. In a class, average age of 30 students is 18 years. If the age of 2 more students is taken into consideration, then the average of all students gets increase by 1. Find the average of the ages of those 2 students. 
A) 50
B) 68
C) 54
D) 34
E) 38

3.The ratio of A’s age 3 years ago and B’s age 5 years hence is 3 : 4. The average of the ages of A and C is 20 years. Also C’s age after 10 years will be 2 more than twice the age present age of B. Find the age of C.
A) 18
B) 15
C) 22
D) 28
E) 34             9985304310


  1. 1. C) 12 l
    Water present in solution = 3/8 * 48 = 18 l
    Milk present in solution = 5/8 * 48 = 30 l
    Let x litres of milk to be added
    Milk is to be 70% of new solution, so water is to be 30% of new solution. So
    30/100 of new solution = Water present in new solution
    30/100 * (48+x) = 18
    So, x = 12 litres
    70/100 of new solution = Milk present in new solution
    70/100 * (48+x) = 30+x
    So, x = 12 litres

  2. 2. D) 34
    30 students – 18
    32 students – 19
    So total age of those 2 students = 30×1 + 19×2 = 68
    So average = 68/2 = 34

  3. 3. C) 22
    (A – 3)/(B + 5) = 3/4
    (A + C)/2 = 20 and
    C + 10 = 2B + 2
