Monday 27 August 2018


A cow is tied with a rope of length 14m a one corner of a rectangular field of dimensions 20m x 15m. find the area of the field in which the cow cannot graze.

     a)    154
     b)   144
     c)    300
     d)   146
     e)   none

1 comment:

  1. Area of the field in which the cow can graze
    = πr²/4
    = π(14)²/4
    = 196π/4
    = 49π
    = 49 ×22/7
    = 154 m²
    Area of rectangular field
    = l × b
    = 20 × 15
    = 300 m²
    Area of the field in which the cow cannot graze
    = Area of rectangular field - Area of the field in which the cow can graze
    = 300 m² - 154 m²
    = 146 m².
