Wednesday 29 March 2017

Inequalities Sample Questions

Directions: Each question below contains a statement followed by Quantity I and Quantity II. Find both to find the relationship among them. Mark your answer accordingly.
1.  The price of item X is marked at Rs 10,000. After giving a discount of 4%, a gain of 20% is achieved.
Quantity I: Cost Price of Item X.
Quantity II:  Selling Price of item Y after two successive discount of 10% and 15% is provided on the Marked Price of Rs 10,000.
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
2.  Quantity I: Simple Interest on a sum of Rs 6200 at the rate of 6% per annum for 5 years
Quantity II:  Compound Interest on a sum of Rs 6400 at rate of 10% compounded semi-annually for one year.
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
3.  The price of item X is marked at Rs 10,000. After giving a discount of 4%, a gain of 20% is achieved.
Quantity I: Cost Price of an article if it is sold making a loss of 10% given that if the cost price was 20% less, a profit of Rs 12 could be made.
Quantity II:  Labeled Price of an article if a discount of 30% is given on it and then sold for  Rs 105 at a loss of 20%
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
4.  Given that x < 0 and y > 0
Quantity I: 14x<sup>3</sup>y<sup>2</sup>
Quantity II:  28x<sup>2</sup>y<sup>3</sup>
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
5.  Quantity I: Area of rectangle whose sides are in the ratio 3 : 1 and perimeter twice the circumference of a semi-circle with area 77 cm<sup>2</sup>
Quantity II:  Curved surface area of a cylinder of radius 12 cm and height equal to the side of square of area 49cm<sup>2</sup>
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
6.  Quantity I: Time taken by A to complete 1/5th of work if B takes 6 days to complete 3/5th of work and together they take 5 days to complete 3/4th of work
Quantity II:  Time taken by a train to cross a platform of length 60 km given that it crosses a pole in two and a half hours running at 60 km/hr
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
7.  Quantity I: Age of A five years ago if 6 years hence ratio of age of A to B will be 14 : 11, and 1 year ago the ratio was 7 : 5.
Quantity II:  Average age of 2 students included in a group of 5 students with average age 18 years given that addition of these 2 students in group makes average increase by 1.
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
8.  Quantity I: x, such that 6x2 + 22x + 15 = 0
Quantity II:  y, such that 6y2 – 7y – 10 = 0
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
9.  A shopkeeper gets a discount of 20% on an article and sells it at 10% profit. 
Quantity I: Labeled price as a percent of cost price.
Quantity II:  Profit percent if discount given is 60%
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
10.Quantity I: Speed of boat in still water f it took 24 hours to cover a distance of 64 km going downstream and back. Given the speed of current to be 2 km/hr
Quantity II:  Average speed of a boy to go from home to school if his average speed is 2 km/hr from school to home and he covers a total of 12 km in 5 hours.
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥  Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥  Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Question of the day 28-3-2017

Reasoning: Syllogism
Direction (1-3): Each of the following questions consists of six statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option that indices a combination where the third statement can be logically deduced from the first two statements and that option will be your answer.
1.  I. Some orange is white.
II. Some white is black.
III. All black is orange.
IV. Some green are blue.
V. No blue is white.
VI. All red are green.
A) [IV, VI, V]
B) [I, II, V]
C) [II, III, I]
D) [IV, V, VI]
E) None is correct
2.  I. Some red is green.
II. All blue is black.
III. Some blue is white.
IV. Some red is white.
V. Some black is blue.
VI. Some white is black.
A) [VI, IV, I]
B) [II, III, VI]
C) [I, II, IV]
D) [I , V, III]
E) None is correct

3.  I. No red is green.
II. Some white is red.
III. All blue is white.
IV. Some green is blue.
V. No white is black.
VI. No blue is black.
A) [I, II, V]
B) [II, III, V]
C) [I, IV, VI]
D) [III, V, VI]
E) None is correct

Monday 27 March 2017

Question of the day 27-3-2017

A and B can complete a work in 12 and ‘n’ days respectively. They worked for 3 days and found 3/5th of the work as pending. If C who can complete the same work in 24 days also works with them, how much work will remain uncompleted after 4 days?

A) 8/19
B) 15/31
C) 2/9
D) 3/10
E) 3/13

Question of the day 26-3-2017

A, B and C can complete a work in 12, 15 and 25 days respectively. A started the work, C and B joined him after 3 and 6 days respectively. How much work did A complete?

A) 3/5
B) 2/3
C) 1/8
D) 3/7
E) None of these

Question of the day 25-3-2017

If a box containing 12 mirrors is dropped, which of the following cannot be the ratio of broken mirrors to unbroken mirrors? 

A) 2:4
B) 1:2
C) 1:1
D) 3:2
E) None of these

Thursday 23 March 2017

Question of the day 24-3-2017

Quantitative Aptitude: Problems on Ages
1.   Ratio of ages of Reena and Prerna is 2 : 3 and the ratio of ages of Tiya and Reena is 3 : 1. If the ratio of age of Prerna four years hence to age of Tiya three years hence is 5 : 9, what is the total of the ages of all three?
A) 77             B) 65             C) 84        D) 43        E) None
2.   Richa’s age is thrice of Tisha’s age while Megha’s age is 3 less than that of Richa’s. The ratio of ages of Tisha’s three years hence to Megha’s four years ago is 3 : 5. What is the square root of the total age of Tisha and Richa?
A) 36             B) 25                C) 6          D) 13        E) None
3.   The ratio of age of Shaisha one year ago to Piya is 3 : 5. The sum of ages of Piya and Misha after four years will be 50. If difference between the ages of Shaisha and Misha is 7 years, find Misha’s age.
A) 21             B) 19                C) 18        D) 10        E) None
4.   Kashish’s age is two-fifth the age of her mother. Nine years hence her age will be half of her mother’s age that time. What is her mother’s present age?
A) 22             B) 45                C) 54        D) 36        E) None

5.   Ratio between Rahim’s age four years hence and Meher’s age three years ago is 6 : 5. If the ratio between Rahim’s age two years ago and Meher’s age four years hence is 6 : 11, find the ratio of Rahim’ age to Meher’s age.
A) 5 : 9          B) 9 : 4             C) 2 : 11   D) 7 : 9     E) None

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Question of the day 23-3-2017

Quantitative Aptitude: Problems on Ages
1.  The ratio of ages of Sneha to Bhavna is 6 : 13. Also ratio between Kritika’s age two years after and Bhavna’s age 4 years after will be 2 : 3. If the average age of Sneha and Kritika is 15 years, what will be Kritika’s age three years hence?
A) 23           B) 19             C) 12             D) 15             E) 8
2.  Difference between ages of Raman and Preet is 16 years. If Raman’s age ten years hence will be two times the age of Preet, find Raman’s age.
A) 26           B) 19             C) 42             D) 38             E) 46
3.  Three years ago, Pihu was thrice old as Ravi that time. How old is Pihu today if ratio of age of Pihu six years hence to Ravi’s age four years ago is 9 : 2?
A) 25           B) 30             C) 33             D) 22             E) 28
4.  The average age of Yogita, Kanika and Prachi is 14 years. The ratio of Yogita’s age one year ago to Kanika’s age one years hence to Prachi’s age three years hence is 5 : 6 : 4. Find ratio of Yogita’s age two years hence to Prachi’s age.
A) 8 : 5        B) 5 : 3          C) 1 : 4          D) 2 : 1          E) 4 : 7
5.  Sneha’s mother’s age is five years more than twice the age of Sneha. When Sneha was born, her brother Rahul was four years old and her father two years older than her mother. If the average age of her mother and father is 46 years. Find the ratio of age of Rahul to that of Sneha.
A) 3 : 7        B) 7 : 4          C) 6 : 5          D) 8 : 11       E) 3 :10

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Question of the day 22-3-2017

Reasoning: Alphanumeric Series
Directions (1-5): Study the following arrangement and answer questions given:
H 4 R % M A # K 2 P 5 I © N 3 W @ F & J 1 U V 9 Q E D 7 8
1. If all the symbols are dropped from the arrangement, then which of the following is the 6th letter to the right of the 15th letter from the right end?
A) N     B) J        C) E        D) 1        E) None of these
2. How many consonants are there in the arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a letter?
A) None      B) One       C) Two      D) Three                    E) More than three
3. Complete the series: QEU V9J 1UF &JW ?
A) @N©     B) @FN       C) FNB      D) @WN                    E) None of these
4. How many such numbers are there each of which is immediately preceded by a symbol?
A) None      B) One        C) Two         D) Three                E) More than three

5. Four of the five are alike in a certain way, which does not belong to the group?
A) P52      B) QE9   C) MA#  D) ©NI     E) F&@

Question of the day 21-3-2017

Directions: Each question below contains a statement followed by Quantity I and Quantity II. Find both to find the relationship among them. Mark your answer accordingly.
1.  If x and y are natural numbers and 5 > x > y > 0.
Quantity I: 3x2y
Quantity II: 4xy2
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≤ Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
2.  A and B started a business with Rs 10,000 and Rs 15,000 respectively. After 6 months C joined them with Rs 20,000.
Quantity I: B′s share in total profit of Rs 4,00,000 at the end of 2 years.
Quantity II: Annual Salary of Rohit after tax deduction if he earns Rs 20,000 per month and pays a tax of 20% each month.
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≤ Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established

3.  A can do a work in 16 days. B is 60% more efficient than A.
Quantity I: Time taken by A and B together to do the work.
Quantity II: Time taken by A and B to do the work together when A works at double his original efficiency and B works at half his original efficiency.
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established

Monday 20 March 2017

Question of the day 20-3-2017

Directions (1-3): Study the following information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
A is father of B and C is mother of A. E is sister of F whose daughter is G. S, the husband of C is the grandfather of G. P is father of E and brother of R. S has only two children, both of opposite sex.
1.  What is the relation between F and S?
A) F is daughter of S
B) F is sister of S
C) F is son of S
D) F is daughter in law of S
E) Either A option or D option
2.  What is the relation between E and B?
A) E is sister of B
B) E is brother of B
C) E is aunt of B
D) E is maternal grandmother of B
E) None of these
3.  What is the relation between B and G?
A) B is sister of G
B) B is brother of G
C) B is aunt of G
D) There is no relation
E) None of these

Question of the day 19-3-2017

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
A country has the following types of traffic signals.
3 green lights = go at 60 kmph speed
2 green lights = go at 40 kmph speed
1 green light = go at 20 kmph speed
3 red lights = stop
2 red lights = turn left
1 red light = turn right
A person starts driving from a point in West direction and he encounters the following traffic signals:
Starting point – 1 green light;
After 15 minutes, 1st signal – 2 red & 2 green lights;
After 24 minutes, 2nd signal – 1 red & 3 green lights;
After 45 minutes, 3rd signal – 1 red & 2 green lights;
After 18 minutes, 4th signal – 3 red lights;
1.  Find the total distance he covered up to the last signal.
A) 76 km    B) 78 km   C) 70 km   D) 75 km    E) 79 km
2.  After passing the third signal if the person encounters fourth signal after half an hour, then what is his final position with respect to the starting point?
A) 4 km to the south and 50 km to the east
B) 55 km directly to the north-west
C) 4 km to the north and 50 km to the west
D) 4 km to the north and 45 km to the west
E) None of these
3.  If instead of starting in West direction, the man starts in South direction, then what is his position with respect to the starting point?
A) 50 km to the south and 4 km to the west
B) 54 km directly to the north-west
C) 50 km to the north and 4 km to the west
D) 50 km to the south and 4 km to the east
E) None of these
4.  If after the first signal,
2nd signal: 2 red and 2 green lights, and
3rd signal: 1 red and 3 green lights, then what is the distance covered up to the last signal?

A) 69 km    B) 60 km        C) 68 km D) 67 km E) 65 km

5.  If the person stops at 3rd signal, then what is his final position with respect to his starting position?
A) 50 km to the north-west
B) 52.5 km to the south-west
C) 52.5 km to the north-east
D) 50.5 km to the south-west
E) 50.5 km to the south-east

Saturday 18 March 2017

Question of the day 18-3-2017

Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. 
A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers/words, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.
Input: garland 10 behest deprive 18 22 savage 42 56 retake
Step 1: best garland 10 deprive 18 22 savage 42 56 retake
Step 2: best garland 10 deprive 18 22 savage 42 retake 28
Step 3: best drive garland 10 18 22 savage 42 retake 28
Step 4: best drive garland 10 18 22 savage retake 21 28
Step 5: best drive gland 10 18 22 savage retake 21 28
Step 6: best drive gland 10 18 savage retake 11 21 28
Step 7: best drive gland rake 10 18 savage 11 21 28
Step 8: best drive gland rake 10 savage 09 11 21 28
Step 9: best drive gland rake sage 10 09 11 21 28
Step 10: best drive gland rake sage 05 09 11 21 28
This is the final arrangement and step 10 is the last step for this input.
Input: 60 resound betake 16 avoid 32 24 repaid 48 strew
1. Which word/number is third to left of fifth element from right end in step 6?
A) repaid     B) 24             C) raid   D) bake  E) strew
2. If ‘bake’ is related to ‘16’ in step 8 and ‘resound’ is related to ‘24’ in step 5, then in step 3 ‘16’ is related to?
A) aid          B) 24             C) 48    D) strew  E) repaid
3. Which numbers/words are between ‘round’ and ‘12’ in step 9?
A) sew        B) 32            C) 16            D) 16and24        E) sew and 16
4. What is the total of the numbers which are fifth from left end and second to right of fifth from right end in step 7?
A) 40           B) 48            C) 32            D) 56     E) 34

5. Which step number is the following step?
Step: aid bake resound 16 32 24 repaid strew 24 30
A) 6             B) 5       C) 3       D) 4       E) There is no such step