Wednesday 15 March 2017

Question of the day 16-3-2017

Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. 
A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.
Input : wise 63 53 83 bucks fright 59 hole 44 8 game call
Step I: 83 63 53 bucks fright 59 hole 44 8 game call wise
Step II: 8 83 63 53 bucks fright 59 44 game call wise hole
Step III: 63 8 83 53 bucks fright 59 44 call wise hole game
Step IV: 44 63 8 83 53 bucks 59 call wise hole game fright
Step V: 59 44 63 8 83 53 bucks wise hole game fright call
Step VI: 53 59 44 63 8 83 wise hole game fright call bucks
This is the final arrangement and step VI is the last step for this input.
1.  Which of the following steps will be the last but one for following input?
Input : 82 from 48 singer ink 56 18 wisher 23 care 

A) V
E) None of these.
2.  What is the third step if input is
Input: 32 twist dice from next 56 87 27 23 style

A) 56 23 87 32 dice from 27 twist style next
B) 23 87 32 dice from next 56 27 twist style
C) 23 87 32 dice 56 from 27 twist style next
D) 56 23 87 32 from 27 twist style next dice
E) None of these.
3.  Which of the following is last step of above input? 
A) V
E) None of these.
4.  Find the Sixth step for which first step is given
Step I: 68 anchor dive full 41 17 riddle 32 29 shine 

A) 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full anchor dive
B) 29 41 17 68 anchor 32 shine riddle full dive
C) 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full dive anchor
D) There is no such step
E) None of these.
5.  Which of the following is the last but one step of above input? 
    A) 29 41 32 17 68 shine riddle full anchor dive
B) 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full anchor dive
C) 29 41 17 68 anchor 32 shine riddle full dive
D) 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full dive anchor
E) None of these.


  1. 1. Option C
    In each step 2 words/numbers are arranged. In the final step, the words are arranged in decreasing alphabetical order and numbers are – from 83, largest number, smallest number, second largest, second smallest, and so on.
    Input: 82 from 48 singer ink 56 18 wisher 23 care
    Step I: 82 from 48 singer ink 56 18 23 care wisher
    Step II: 18 82 from 48 ink 56 23 care wisher singer
    Step III: 56 18 82 from 48 23 care wisher singer ink
    Step IV: 23 56 18 82 48 care wisher singer ink from
    Step V: 48 23 56 18 82 wisher singer ink from care

    2. Option A
    Input: 32 twist dice from next 56 87 27 23 style
    Step I: 87 32 dice from next 56 27 23 style twist
    Step II: 23 87 32 dice from next 56 27 twist style
    Step III: 56 23 87 32 dice from 27 twist style next

    3. Option A
    Step III: 56 23 87 32 dice from 27 twist style next
    Step IV: 27 56 23 87 32 dice twist style next from
    Step V: 32 27 56 23 87 twist style next from dice

    4. Option D
    Step I: 68 anchor dive full 41 17 riddle 32 29 shine
    Step II: 17 68 anchor dive full 41 32 29 shine riddle
    Step III: 41 17 68 anchor dive 32 29 shine riddle full
    Step IV: 29 41 17 68 anchor 32 shine riddle full dive
    Step V: 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full dive anchor – final

    5. Option C
