Tuesday 28 February 2017

Question of the day 1-3-2017

Directions for questions: 1 to 3: These questions are based on the following data.
                      If the numbers 1 to 100 are written on 100 pieces of paper, (one on each) and one piece is picked at random, then
1. What is the probability that the number drawn is neither prime nor composite?
     a. 1/50          b. 1/25          c. 1/100       d. 1
2. Find the probability that the number drawn is a multiple of 6 and 8.
    a. 3/50           b. 2/25           c. 1/50      d. 1/25
3. Find the probability that the number drawn is a factor of 50.
   a. 1/25           b. 1/50          c. 3/25       d. 3/50

Monday 27 February 2017

Question of the day 28-2-2017

Directions for questions: 1 to 3: These questions are based on the following data.
                       A box contains 12 mangoes out of which 4 are spoilt. If four mangoes are chosen at random, find the probability that

1. All the four mangoes are spoiled.
     a. 1/495        b. 494/495          c. 1/395          d. 394/395
2. Not all the mangoes are spoiled.
    a. 1/495         b. 394/395         c. 494/495        d. 1/395 
3. Exactly three are not spoiled.
     a. 116/495      b. 224/495      c. 129/495          d. 187/495

Question of the day 27-2-2017

If a number is chosen at random from the set {1, 2, 3…, 100}, then the probability that the chosen number is a perfect cube is?


Sunday 26 February 2017

Question of the day 26-2-2017

Four horses are tethered at four corners of a square plot of side 63 meters so that they just cannot reach one another. The area left ungrazed is:

 a. 675.5m2           
 b. 780.6m2                 
 c. 785.8m2        
 d. 850.5m2

Question of the day 25-2-2017

A circular wire of radius 42 cm is cut and bent into the form of a rectangle whose sides are in the ratio of 6:5. The smaller side of the rectangle is:

a)30 cm
b)60 cm
c)72 cm
d)132 cm

Question of the day 24-2-2017

If each side of a square is increased by 50%, the ratio of the area of the resulting square to the area of the given square is:


Question of the day 23-2-2017

A piece of work can finish by a certain number of men in 100 days. If however , there were 10 men less, it would take 10 days more for the work to be finished. How many men were there originally?


Tuesday 21 February 2017

Question of the day 22-2-2017

The number of boys in a class is three times the number of girls. Which one of the following numbers cannot represent the total number of children in the class?


A) 44

b) 40

c) 42

d) 48

e) None

Question of the day 21-2-2017

At the end of a business conference the ten people present all shake hands with each other once. How many handshakes will there be altogether?

 a) 45 

b) 50 

c) 55 

d) 60 

e) None.

Question of the day 20-2-2017

Aruna cut a cake into two halves and cuts one half into smaller pieces of equal size. Each of the small pieces is twenty grams in weight. If she has seven pieces of the cake in all with her, how heavy was the original cake? 

a)240 gm 
b) 250 gm 
c) 260 gm 
d) 230 gm 
e) None.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Question of the day 19-2-2017

A cistern can be filled separately by two pipes P and Q in 36 minutes and 45 minutes respectively. A tap R at the bottom can empty the full cistern in 30 minutes. If the tap R is opened 7 minutes after the pipes P and Q are opened. Find when the cistern becomes full?

 a) 39 minutes                      
 b) 46 minutes
 c) 32 minutes                   
 d) None.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Question of the day 18-2-2017

S1 and S2 are two  sets of parallel lines.  The number of lines in S1 is greater than the number of S2 They intersect at 12 points.  The number of parallelograms that S1 and S2  may form is :

a) 18 or 15
b) 18
c) 12 or 6
d) 15
e) None.

Question of the day 17-2-2017

The length, breadth and height of a room are in the ratio . If the breadth and height are halved while the length is doubled, then the total area of the four walls of the room will.

a) decrease by 30%
b) decrease by 15%
c) decrease by 13.64%
d) remains the same
e) None.

Question of the day 16-2-2017

A cone and sphere have the same radius of 12 cm. Find the height of the cone if the cone and sphere have the same volume.

a) 48 cm
b) 50 cm
c) 52 cm
d) None.

Question of the day 15-2-2017

How many tiles whose length and breadth are 12 cm and 5 cm respectively will be needed to fit in a rectangular region whose length and breadth are respectively 144 cm and 100 cm:

a) 240
b) 320
c) 400
d) None

Question of the day 14-2-2017

A bicycle wheel makes 5000 revolutions in moving 11 km. What is the radius of the wheel?
a) 25 cm
b) 30 cm
c) 29 cm
d) None.

Question of the day 13-2-2017

The difference between two parallel sides of a trapezium is 8 cm, the perpendicular distance between them is 38 cm. if the area of the trapezium is 950 cm2 . Find the length of the parallel sides? 
a) 29 cm, 21 cm 
b) 30 cm, 35cm  
c) 29 cm, 31 cm 
d) None

Saturday 11 February 2017

Question of the day 12-2-2017

A man driving his bike at 24 kmph reaches his office 5 minutes late. Had he driven  faster on an average he would have reached 4 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. How far is his office?

a) 18 km

b) 24 km
c) 30 km
d) 36 km
e) None.

Question of the day 11-2-2017

In 2011, the arithmetic mean of the annual incomes of Ramu and Suresh was Rs. 3800. The arithmetic mean of the annual incomes of Suresh and Trump was Rs. 4800, and the arithmetic mean of the annual incomes of Trump and Ramu was Rs. 5800. What is the arithmetic mean of the incomes of the three?

a) 5200
b) 4800
c) 4400
d) 4000

e) None.

Question of the day 10-2-2017

Three math classes: P, Q and R, take an algebra test.
The average score in class P is 83.
The average score in class Q is 76.
The average score in class R is 85.
The average score of all students in classes P and Q together is 79.
The average score of all students in classes Q and R together is 81.
What is the average for all the three classes?

a) 81.5
b) 81
c) 82.5
d) 82

e) None.

Question of the day 9-2-2017

The average monthly salary of 12 workers and 3 managers in a factory was Rs. 600. When one of the manager whose salary was Rs. 720, was replaced with a new manager, then the average salary of the team went down to 580. What is the salary of the new manager?

a) 420
b) 570
c) 690
d) 620

e) None.

Question of the day 8-2-2017

In a set of three numbers, the average of first two numbers is 2, the average of the last two numbers is 3, and the average of the first and the last numbers is 4. What is the average of three numbers?

a) 3
b) 2.5
c) 3.5
d) 4
e) None

Question of the day 7-2-2017

The average price of 10 books is Rs.12 while the average price of 8 of these books is Rs.11.75. Of the remaining two books, if the price of one book is  more than the price of the other, what is the price of each of these two books?
a) Rs. 10, Rs. 16
b) Rs. 10, Rs. 8
c) Rs. 10, Rs. 5
d) Rs. 10, Rs. 24
e) None.

Monday 6 February 2017

Question of the day 6-2-2017

Which of the following could not be the lengths of the sides of a right angled triangle? 

Select ALL such sets.
A. 12, 15, 8
B. 10, 24, 25
C. 8, 15, 17
D. 3, 4, 5
E. 9, 12, 15
F. 12, 16, 20

Question of the day 5-2-2017

Which of the following can be used to illustrate that not all prime numbers are odd? 

Select one or more of the choices.

A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 4

Question of the day 4-2-2017

In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking German. Of the students taking French or German, 9 are taking both courses. How many students are not enrolled in either course?
(A) 24
(C) 54
(D) None of These.

Friday 3 February 2017

Question of the day 3-2-2017

If m is a positive integer greater less than 10, what is the value of m?
(1)   When  1/m is written in the decimal form, the hundredths digit is equal to m.
(2)   When  1/m is written in the decimal form, the tenths digit is not equal to the hundredths digit.

(A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.
(B)  Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.
(C)  BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.
(D) EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.
(E)  Statement  (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Question of the day 2-2-2017

A number arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. Illustrations of the input and the steps of arrangement is given below.
Input: 245, 316, 436, 519, 868, 710, 689
Step 1: 710, 316, 436, 519, 868, 245, 689
Step 2: 710, 316, 245, 519, 868, 436, 689
Step 3: 710, 316, 245, 436, 868, 519, 689
Step 4: 710, 316, 245, 436, 519, 868, 689

Step 4 is the last step for the given input

If the input is given as “655, 436, 764, 799, 977, 572, 333”, which of the following step will be “333, 436, 572, 655, 977, 764, 799”?
a) Step Third
b) Step Second
c) Step Fourth
d) None of these.

Question of the day 1-2-2017

The ratio of marks obtained by Vinod and Basu is 6:5. If the combined average of their percentage is 68.75 and their sum of the marks is 275, find the total marks for which exam was conducted.

a) 200
b) 150
c) 3000
d) None of these.

Question of the day 31-1-2017

A and B enter in to a partnership and A invests Rs. 10,000 in the partnership. At the end of 4 months he withdraws Rs.2000. At the end of another 5 months,  he withdraws another Rs.3000. If B receives Rs.9600 as his share of the total profit of Rs.19,100 for the year, how much did B invest in the company?

a) 8000
b) 12000
c) 16000
d) None of these.

Question of the day 30-1-2017

A fort has provisions for 60 days. If after 15 days 500 men strengthen them and the food lasts 40 days longer, how many men are there in the fort?
a) 4000
b) 3500
c) 3000

d) None of these.

Question of the day 29-1-2017

A and B undertake to do a piece of work for Rs 600. A alone can do it in 6 days while B alone can do it in 8 days. With the help of C, they can finish it in 3 days, Find the share of C?
a) 75
b) 80
c) 300
d) 225
e) None of these.

Question of the day 28-1-2017

A and B can do a piece of work in 45 days and 40 days respectively. They began to do the work together but A leaves after some days and then B completed the remaining work in 23 days.The number of days after which A left the work was
a) 9 days
b) 10 days
c) 11 days
d) 12 days
e) None of these.