Saturday 11 February 2017

Question of the day 10-2-2017

Three math classes: P, Q and R, take an algebra test.
The average score in class P is 83.
The average score in class Q is 76.
The average score in class R is 85.
The average score of all students in classes P and Q together is 79.
The average score of all students in classes Q and R together is 81.
What is the average for all the three classes?

a) 81.5
b) 81
c) 82.5
d) 82

e) None.

1 comment:

  1. Answer: Option a
    Average score of class P is 83 and that of class Q is 76 and the combined average of P and Q is 79.
    By rule of alligation ratio of students in P:Q is given by

    P : Q

    / \

    83 76

    3 : 4
    Similarly, average score of class Q is 76 and that of class R is 85 and the combined average is 81.
    By rule of alligation ratio of students in Q:R is

    Q : R
    / \
    76 85
    4 : 5


    Total average for P, Q and R
